Michoacán, the Soul of Mexico

13th annual Mushroom Fair in Senguio, Michoacán

We traveled across the state to spend two nights in Senguio, Michoacán, for their annual mushroom fair (La Fería de Hongos).

Senguio is a small town close to Ciudad Hidalgo. Once a year its residents host the mushroom fair. They set up a long table full of identified wild mushrooms. Several stands […]

The Rains: Planting Begins!

After many rainless months the clouds have rolled in and (in hopeful theory) the rainy season has begun! All the life here, from humans to plants, is finally getting what is needed. We’re so excited about the progress we’ve made this year. Tons of work has gone in to preparing plant beds, small seedlings, collections […]

Language exchange and learning at the Bosque

We now have a Spanish language teacher offering Spanish lessons and language exchange for visitors and volunteers who want to improve their language skills while staying here in the forest.

Raúl is originally from Mexico City, and will be living at the Bosque until at least August. He has been teaching for years, and has […]

Pulque – Ancient drink of the Aztecs

The first taste of pulque is usually followed by a grimace. The smell is strong and pungent, the flavor sour. The drink is milky, a bit foamy, and slightly carbonated from the fermentation process. We believe it to be an acquired taste – try it more than once and you’ll be hooked.


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