Volunteer Spotlight: Judith

Judith participated at the Bosque as a resident volunteer for 5 months. She spent a year total in Mexico, first volunteering at a school teaching English, and then moving to the Bosque to learn about eco-village living, natural building, activity leading, and permaculture.

And how we miss her!

During her time here Judith learned how […]

Pine Beetle Plague

Since December we have been fighting a plague in our pine trees. This has involved cutting down over 300 pine trees in the forest – for those who have been to the Bosque you will notice a big difference in the Dimple, the Mesa, and the entrance from the nearby village.

The culprit is the […]

Vlog: A week at an eco-village in Michoacán, Mexico.

This week’s Video blog by Anetta!

Volunteer Spotlight: Brenda

Brenda volunteered at the Bosque for a little over 3 months. She has a degree in graphic design and is a freelance photographer and graphic artist. At the Bosque she contributed to a wide variety of projects, from a mosaic countertop to creating the new Bosque logo. Brenda is an incredibly responsible and very intelligent […]

Cob Hut

We have started building our first cob hut.

Cob is a mixture of clay, dirt, pine straw, sawdust and a bit of water. We get sawdust from a woodmill in a pueblo nearby, and the clay, dirt and pine straw come from the Bosque. Cob is much like formed adobe. We mix the ingredients together […]

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