By Marie, July 29, 2009 The end is finally in sight for our planting season! We’re getting ready to put away the gloves and shovels, brush the dirt off our pants, and rest. For a week. Then the weeding season begins. Yay!
The climate here offers us a small window of opportunity to get as many seeds […]
By admin, June 27, 2008 The forest here mostly consists of pines, oaks, and madrones.
We’ve planted several different types of trees in past years to try to diversify the forest a bit.
This year we are planting over 600 new trees! They include: fig, citrus, avocado, jacaranda, mora, nispero (loquat), pomegranate, cedar, and ash.
We also are planting thousands […]
By Marie, April 13, 2008 Nopales, or prickly pear, grow natively here in Michoacán. They are incredibly easy to plant: stir up a bit of dirt, plop nopal paddle down on the ground, and walk away.
We had three truckloads of nopal paddles delivered – about 2,000 plants in total. We will use them as natural barriers along the edges […]
By Brian, June 11, 2007 Today is an important day.
Today begins this year’s plant propogation cycle. Many new garden spaces are ready to receive cuttings. We can likely do 6,000-7,000 cutting easily each year. My guy is trained from last year and will be able to do this lots, and this year two more guys will do it too. […]
By Brian, May 31, 2007 This post will teach you how to make new plants by cutting pieces off the parent plant. That way you can fill up your yard and also make plants to give away.
Look at this happy piece of rosemary:
One little cutting from the original […]