By Marie, June 22, 2009 Save the seeds! Guardar las semillas!
At the Bosque you will see signs reminding you to save the seeds from your food. Next to the sign, a small tray collects peach, nectarine, and plum pits, and various seeds including apples, oranges, limes, and peppers.
The percentage […]
By Marie, May 20, 2009 After many rainless months the clouds have rolled in and (in hopeful theory) the rainy season has begun! All the life here, from humans to plants, is finally getting what is needed. We’re so excited about the progress we’ve made this year. Tons of work has gone in to preparing plant beds, small seedlings, collections […]
By Brian, May 31, 2007 This post will teach you how to make new plants by cutting pieces off the parent plant. That way you can fill up your yard and also make plants to give away.
Look at this happy piece of rosemary:
One little cutting from the original […]