Turnips and Tusas

We are so kind. We share our turnips with tusas: the Naked-nosed pocket gopher.

Tusas are animals that most gardeners in Michoacán dread. They dig up gardens ruthlessly, leaving behind the signature mound of turned over soil. Some of our friends who have farms or gardens buy Jack Russell Terriers, dogs that […]

Orchard pruning

We have a small orchard with trees that are more mature than the thousands of baby fruit trees we have planted in the forest over the past few years. This year our avocado, peach, guayaba, and mandarin trees are doing particularly well. We enjoyed a surplus of avocados over the summer and into Autumn. Our […]

Garden Update

The end is finally in sight for our planting season! We’re getting ready to put away the gloves and shovels, brush the dirt off our pants, and rest. For a week. Then the weeding season begins. Yay!

The climate here offers us a small window of opportunity to get as many seeds […]

Acquiring seeds

Save the seeds! Guardar las semillas!

At the Bosque you will see signs reminding you to save the seeds from your food. Next to the sign, a small tray collects peach, nectarine, and plum pits, and various seeds including apples, oranges, limes, and peppers.

The percentage […]

New baby trees in the forest!

I found a fellow named Fidel in a local town who has been experimenting with trees for over 20 years and purchased some from him. We chatted for a while about many of the tests he has done with apples, plums, and peaches he bought in from Holland, Canada and other places. He has has […]

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