New Solar Oven: Olla Solar

The sun provides ample energy every day. It’s up to us to figure out how to harvest that energy and put it into use. Our new solar oven can bake two loaves of bread per day, it can cook beans and rice, boil soups and cook them for hours, and warm up leftovers. Solar ovens […]

Recipe: Cabbage Salad with Peanut Dressing

This recipe gets tons of compliments every time it is served, without fail. It’s a perfect way to dress up raw cabbage; simple, yet it lends itself to countless variations depending on what you’ve got on hand.

Cabbage has lots of vitamin C and dietary fiber, and is easy to grow (and if you don’t […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Hugo Lacroix

Hugo is on a mission – nothing can stop him! He is biking from Quebec, Canada, to Tierra del Fuego; the southernmost tip of Argentina. Cycling this distance is a long journey, but the personal trip quite longer. Hugo volunteered with us last October, and he is, we believe, still in Mexico, taking time to […]

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