Activity leaders

You never know what to expect at the Bosque.  Depending on the crowd, activities range quite a bit, both in quantity and type. People engage with each other to develop fun, deepness, and community by leading and participating in a wide variety of activities. Amazing people visit the Bosque and contribute to the vibe.  Their creativity, inventiveness and skills are truly astounding.

Two guiding principles at the Bosque are Participation and Immediacy as we create a more permanent “temporary autonomous zone”.


Our community is committed to a radically participatory ethic. We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. We achieve being through doing. Everyone is invited to work. Everyone is invited to play. We make the world real through actions that open the heart.


Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most important touchstone of value in our culture. We seek to overcome barriers that stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of those around us, participation in society, and contact with a natural world exceeding human powers. No idea can substitute for this experience.

Here are just a few highlights from recent contributions of Bosque visitors:

Self-Defense Class
Lucas led a self-defense class.  He has spent a year studying Shaolin Gongfu in China and was happy to experience teaching some of what he learned.


Disc Golf
Stephen and Marta created a 9-hole disc golf course.  It’s very amazing and very fun!


Instead of the usual net buckets used for disc golf, they made creative, large, colorful targets:


Mud Wrestling
Stephen and Marta also organized a huge mud wrestling tournament.


Marta and Stephen post-wresting:

Hot Air Balloon
César came to the Bosque with materials to assemble a hot air balloon!  He taught others the technique while he made the balloon.


Yoga, Meditation, and Theater
Javiero led yoga and meditation before breakfast, and also organized a theater performance.


Face painting
Stella, an artist, painted faces (and fingernails) of nearly every visitor she could find.


Dance Workshops
Kali taught dance workshops – very popular!


Permaculture workshop

Raúl led a mini-workshop in permaculture.  Raúl teaches permaculture and natural building in Querétaro with Ruta Ahimsa.


A big thanks to all of our visitors who both participated in and led activities!

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