Recording the Harvest

Since June we’ve been fairly diligent about weighing the produce from our gardens and the fruit trees. This year we’ve had pretty good success. We haven’t bought fruits or vegetables from town besides some mangos that were too inexpensive to pass up, a papaya (I miss it and we can’t grow it easily), and […]

Lizard Tails

Lizards drop their tails if they are very frightened, or if a predator has them by the tail. We did not frighten this one (much) but found it already tailless. Brian snapped a quick photo.

Lizards stay close to their hidden homes so when the sun is out we can reliably see a lizard […]


We’ve been going on daily hikes around the dirt roads near the Bosque. During the rainy season, we took our walks early to be sure to be home before the rain hit in the afternoon.

One morning we went out particularly early and saw just how many spiders live alongside the road. I was […]

Fertilizer for the gardens

We are fertilizing the gardens in the dimple to improve the soil there.

Gently creating gardens in the forest.


Part of the Bosque Village experiment is to see how we can raise food in the forest without outside water or fertilizer. But there are some ways we do choose to improve […]

Turnips and Tusas

We are so kind. We share our turnips with tusas: the Naked-nosed pocket gopher.

Tusas are animals that most gardeners in Michoacán dread. They dig up gardens ruthlessly, leaving behind the signature mound of turned over soil. Some of our friends who have farms or gardens buy Jack Russell Terriers, dogs that […]

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