Yogurt making

We recently started making yogurt – especially before special events where we plan to serve guests breakfast. Our homemade yogurt contains living, healthy bacteria: lactobacillus. This bacteria is known as a probiotic, and helps to strengthen our digestive systems.

Making your own yogurt is super easy. No special equipment is needed; just a double boiler (I fashion one out of two pots) and a food-safe container for storage. And two ingredients: a small amount of living yogurt, and milk. We get our milk from a local provider who raises grass-fed, free range cows.

A few days ago we delivered some starter (living yogurt) and instructions to friends in town who were curious how to make yogurt. Brian calls it a cultural contribution to the community (pun intended). Hopefully more people start making their own living yogurt instead of buying the dead, sugary yogurt that is normally available. For those who prefer a sweet yogurt, honey and fruit can be added for sweetness.

Making yogurt

For folks living in the Lake Pátzcuaro region who want to try making yogurt, you can purchase some living yogurt to eat and use as a starter at Don Chucho’s, near el estación in Pátzcuaro.

And yes, the previous entry is just a joke. 🙂

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