Volunteer Spotlight: Jacky

Jacky is an incredible person on a two-year voyage which started in Mexico.  We feel so privileged that Jacky was able to spend 10 weeks of his journey volunteering at the Bosque.

Originally Jacky signed up to volunteer for 4 weeks.  As he began extending his stay, we began giving him more responsibility, until at the end of his time here he was cooking a meal (hummus!) every week for 10-20 people and self-managing most of his work days.  He volunteered to look after the Casita and keep it tidy during a particularly crowded time.  Jacky also was able to work with a long list of to-do items and do general maintenance and independent projects which freed up our volunteer managers to focus more on leading large teams.

Jacky is a great photographer!  In his free time and really whenever he had an opportunity Jacky captured great shots of life here and around the Bosque.  Because of his eye for nice photos, he also spent some of his working time organizing our flickr photos and adding good shots to the various sets and collections.

Beyond work hours, Jacky’s nature is friendly and helpful.  And he really jumped completely in to the Bosque experience in order to get the most out of being here.  He attended activities and workshops led by other volunteers and visitors with enthusiasm.  He signed up for classes and learned how to make a very nice looking knife.  He greeted and made an effort to get to know everyone related to the Bosque: residents, volunteers, visitors, volunteer managers, kitchen helpers, teachers…  even the 14 year old incredibly shy guide who walked Jacky into the Bosque found himself chatting amiably despite the language and emotional barrier.  “He’s not shy!” says Jacky.

Jacky will be traveling for quite awhile, and we’ve got no doubt that he will have an amazing experience wherever he goes.  Thanks for being awesome, Jacky!

On New Year’s Eve:

The dogs miss him!:

Sleeping with cat Kali Spot (nearly a nightly tradition):

Working with a team fighting the pine beetle plague:

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