We have funny dogs

Our dogs are goofy and do goofy things. Above, Patzari is for some reason on top of the birdbath. Hippie stands by happily.

They often choose weird spots to sleep. Hippie taking a nap in a pot:


Contreras using wood as a pillow:


Mambo, our biggest dog, curled up on […]

The Dogs and Niklas

Niklas has been here nearly two months now, and we love how much he loves the dogs.

And the cats.

And all living creatures.

A great guy who makes life better for animals and people around him.

(photo by Ang)

Goodbye Goldie

Goldie died this morning. She was a very good dog for many years, but had been getting skinnier and slower this last week, and it was time for her to go.

She lived with us in the forest for five years. She had two litters of puppies – 9 pups total – 6 of […]

Rattlesnake bite #3

First: Mambo.

Second: Contreras.

Third: Luna.

Another rattlesnake bite a few days ago. Unlike Contreras, who was mostly sad, and Mambo, who likely didn’t notice anything wrong, Luna was ticked. Luna is a human trapped in a dog suit and does not like to be pestered with injuries or snake bites.

We […]


Sebastian was being bad.

He followed us to part of the Bosque where dogs aren’t allowed – the highest point of the forest. He was very sneaky.

And he pretended he was not there. “If I pretend I am somewhere else, they will not see me!!”

So we put leaves on his head and pretended […]

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