Recording the Harvest

Since June we’ve been fairly diligent about weighing the produce from our gardens and the fruit trees. This year we’ve had pretty good success. We haven’t bought fruits or vegetables from town besides some mangos that were too inexpensive to pass up, a papaya (I miss it and we can’t grow it easily), and onions and garlic. Pretty good, right?! 🙂

Our biggest successes are lettuce, chard, and cauliflower (oh, you should see the cauliflower). Our avocado trees are producing well, and we’re finally getting some yield from our apple trees, our guayaba trees, and even a few pomegranates. The carrot and cabbage patches are still producing.

It’s was an exciting rainy season. We’ll see how we do as we move into the drier time of year. We’re hoping to keep a year-round tomato and chard garden near the kitchen, plus some potted plants of herbs to last throughout the winter.

We’ve had surplus this year which we give to friends, let go to seed, and/or preserve via canning and drying. Our rabbits and chickens get fresh produce daily from the gardens.

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