Bosque Family Gathering

Every year we host a dinner to celebrate our friends from the local villages and to thank them for being a part of the Bosque Village. 2010 was a fantastic year for the Bosque, full of many positive changes, new residents, great guests, and interesting projects. Towards the end of December was an appropriate time to bring everyone together to celebrate the work that has been done, the people who have helped, and the partnerships that have been created over the past few years.

We started off the gathering with some beers, home-made liquors (flavored with quince and blackberry), and a delicious meal prepared by Jairo and Nere. We ate pollo con mole (chicken with mole), champiñones con mole (mushrooms with mole), rice, beans, fresh corn tortillas, and a beautiful green salad.

Jairo and Nere, finishing up the final touches on the salad

Next, the piñatas! Jairo, Javiero, Heather and Damon had crafted a beautiful piñata for the occasion. We were also given a piñata by some friends from Pátzcuaro. The piñatas were filled to the brim with sweets, and both the kids and adults had a great time trying to break them while Beto skilfully moved the piñatas around the terrace with a rope. The piñata dances in the air while kids and adults try to hit it with a pole. The adults are blindfolded to make it more difficult and more amusing for the people watching.

And finally, according to tradition, some games of volleyball, trampoline, and tether ball. We think there is a conspiracy going on, because the same team that won last year’s volleyball tournament immediately formed nearly the same exact team this year, and proceeded to win game after game after game. Only when they were extremely tired did one team finally take them down.

The winning team: Chilino, Adan, Gonzalo, Javiero, Beto

We give a heartfelt thanks to our friends for being a part of the Bosque family. Without the continued effort of many people – class teachers, language exchange helpers, workers, residents, and visitors – the Bosque wouldn’t be able to survive.

Thanks to everyone for joining us on this strange adventure!

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