Your donations keep people and their families working on the world we build together!
If you prefer, you can donate to supporting participants or to specific projects.
Brian Fey donations:
Brian Fey has been working since 2004 and invested all his resources and time into building the space and creating the culture of it with residents and participants. He lives a frugal lifestyle as an applied philosopher serving as the Bosque Village founder.
Onsite Staff
There is no onsite staff currently, but we are open to participants who wish to stay longer becoming part of an onsite staff. The kitchen needs to have consistent leadership and a team that never fails. The core team must be made of stable people who plan to stay at Bosque Village for at least 6 months.
Staff will sometimes be selected among “International short term participants” and “Mexican short term participants”.
Local Team Donations:
The team of hard workers are from the towns of Yotatiro and Erongaricuaro. Their families depend in having an income from Bosque Village projects, and their communities benefit from our projects there.
If you prefer, you can donate to supporting participants