Volunteer Spotlights

As we passed our first year of hosting volunteers, we spent some time going over who has visited us, how they contributed, and what we learned from each person and what they were able to learn here at the Bosque.

Over the next month or so we will be writing up volunteer spotlights about some of the volunteers who have taken some time to visit us and contribute and participate in the Bosque Village project.

We will also be writing up a year report of what we have learned as we hosted volunteers.  We hope the report will help future volunteers understand more about our program, and also help other communities learn from our successes and mistakes.

So, the Volunteer Spotlight series will begin today, and likely last a long time.  Many volunteers come through (58 in the past year), and a certain percentage go above and beyond in helping us: they bring new ideas, hard working attitudes, leadership, and initiative to the project.  Without our volunteers, The Bosque Village would not be the vibrant, exciting, and constantly evolving project that it is becoming.

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